Writing Journal 26: A Belief I Had or Used to Have

 10.27 AM.    

    I used to think that having money didn't mean being happy, but after living many years without a lot of money, I'm sure that whoever said that first must have had a lot of money. Having money might not make you happy on its own, but it gives you the means to have some measure of happiness in your life.

    I don't mean that having the money to buy things gives you happiness, that's a very materialistic vision of life, but I do believe that money can make you happier. It's not that the money is the thing making you happy, but when you open a letter and it's an invoice, if you do not have the money or if it's going to take a lot of money from your account, that will make you unhappy; by contrast, if you have money to spare, that will not be another weight in your mind. When you go to the supermarket and see that the prices keep going up while your salary doesn't, that makes you sad and unhappy, but if you had the money, it wouldn't. 

    What I want to say is that I do not think you need to be a billionaire to be happy, but not being drowned in debt or constantly worrying about how much you are spending might give you the key to happiness: peace of mind. Also, I should note that money does give you freedom, and what are we if we're not free? we're slaves to money, but if you stop worrying about it, you will be free... and happy.

10.31 AM.