Writing Journal 28: A Favourite Possession

 8.44 AM.

    I had to think long and hard about this one. At first I was going to say my pets, but honestly, they don't feel like possessions to me, so I can't say it. Then I thought it could be my phone or my computer, but I could live without them and it would be no biggie. So I kept thinking and then it clicked: my bookshelves are my favorite possession. Not the furniture itself, but what it contains. 

    If there's one thing I have always loved, that is a good book. Any book will do as long as it is interesting. I love collecting books (and reading them, obviously) and I enjoy having beautiful editions in my shelves. I've got books I've bought myself, since I was very young; there's also books my mum got when she was young (I've got her editions of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and The Silmarillion); then there's the books my father got when he lived in London, mostly classics; there's books I've bought when traveling, books about history from different museums, classic books in cool editions... so, the answer to the question is, basically: my shelves and all the books they contain are my favorite possessions.

    What do I care about a phone or a computer, as long as I have books? I also read in my phone, but it's not the same as reading a physical book, the feeling doesn't compare at all. When my friends ask me what I feel like for my birthday, I always tell them "get me a book and you will make me happy". 

    So, as favorite possessions go, nothing compares to my books. Sometimes I like to rearrange my shelves so they look prettier or certain books are more on display. I put them in order, there's thematic shelves, for example, one of them is completely full of books written in English; another one reunites my Tolkien library... I like opening some and reading the annotations I made when I was thirteen and reading Twilight twice a month... I'm crazy about my books.

8.58 AM.